Thursday, May 03, 2007

Life, life, life...

Working long hours can be jointly fulfilling and exhausting. I seem to want to be the most productive when I'm on the verge of that fuzzy, headache-y edge of the night. It's around this time that I like to string together randomness that I'm come across or general observations. You're about to get a face-full right now.

I can't believe that I missed Lee Marvin Computer Arm. Actually, I can because I was in Windsor. Yes, really. No, nothing has changed. Everyone is still 19 and waiting outside in 34 degree weather in tiny shorts and a bra to hang out with white baseball caps and dudes who look like K-Fed. You can see Cheetah's from three miles away. Can that sign be any brighter? Anyway, Neverending White Lights and Em Gryner was worth the trip, but damn, do I love LMCA. I only seem to catch them at the Blowout or the Lager House. Get these guys out at CityTasteDetroitFest already!

Ron can't get enough of "Icky Thump." Neither can Big Matt. I think it's cute that they're go giddy over this song. I gotta admit, the more I listen to , the more I keep asking "how do they make a guitar sound like that?" Crazy.

I don't like Bob Dylan. I probably never will. Sorry, folks, but I can't get past the sound of his voice. If you like him, you can see him this summer at Freedom Hill on July 11th.

I can't wait for the Arctic Monkeys next week! I need a good fast and furious rock show.

Hifi Handgrenades. Study up and rock out. John Speck is resistance!

I also need to dive deeper into all that is iLife. iMovie and Garage Band are begging to be manipulated and created with. Perhaps we will see the Super Fucking Awesome come to life very soon...what I am saying? Keep your eyes peeled for 2009!


Time to start concentrating on "The Watchman." It's pathetic how long it takes me to read a book nowadays. And this one even has pictures. No excuses. It's nice to finally be reading something that I look forward to, that I actually get excited about. This ain't your typical graphic novel. This is the grandaddy of all graphic novels. And the people who brought you "300" are going to murder it on the big screen. Grrrr...Didn't "League of Extraordinary Gentleman" teach you anything???

Spiderman 3 is gonna be BALLS. Vemon is down and dirty evil. Love it.

Okay, that's it. Wow, random indeed. Good night, and I leave you with one of my favorite Sloan moments. I've been listening to them a lot lately - perfect for the summer.

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