Wednesday, April 13, 2005

You know what I think of when I picture young, attractive happy couples? Herpes. Valtrex commercials crack me up every time. Oh, so you're leading a life full of fishing trips and romantic vacations? YOU HAVE VIRAL WARTS ON YOUR GENITALS! There is no room for fun in your life. You. Have. Herpes. Just look at their smiling faces. They. All. Have. WARTS.

I especially love this therapeutic and informative section "Living with Genital Herpes". Read about how to break it gently to your partner. Um, it might go something like this. "What??? You have herpes??? How the fuck did you get herpes??? Nobody gets herpes! I learned how to not get herpes when I was in seventh grade health class - it's not that difficult! I no longer wish to date you. Good-bye." God love any man/woman who spends their time/bed/orifice with some who has genital herpes. True love.

Friday at 5:01, I will bump my Focus down Northwestern Highway and bring the full force of my weekend saber toward all who dare face me. I plan to dance my face off at Dorkwave. You think I'm joshin'? When you see me at 1AM without a nose, then we'll see who's right...and who doesn't have a nose. Maybe that isn't the right analogy. Anyway, I will take many deep breathes over the next two days and get through this current whirlwind that is my work life.

Question Of The Day: What song(s) or album takes you back to when you first discovered rock and roll? For me, it be Queen's "Fat Bottom Girls" and "Seven Seas of Rhye"...a dash of naughty, a pinch of sweeping rock musical. My parents used to sing "Here Comes The Sun" to me when I was a toddler. Damn, they were hip.

Do I tackle book 3 of Y: The Last Man? Aw, hell. 24 usable hours in every day, right?

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