Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Holy Tuesday!

Geez...busy, busy, busy. Work, work, work. Been out of town the last two weekends - weddings galore. So much fun. Interpol on Sunday. DEFINITELY better than at St. Andy's, since I was able to breath and wasn't bathed in sweat. Still shopping around for lendors. It sucks, it's a lot of work, but in the end it's all worth it, right? Just ask Sarah Bruce, who bought her house in record time.

I don't even want to get started on how good "Lost" is...just read the message boards...so many theories (Walt: "Don't push the button, the button is bad", the QUARENTINE sign on the INSIDE of the hatch, the last name of the person who died in Jack's wife's car accident: Rutheford, as in Shannon's last name, the numbers on Desmond's injection bottles). And big props to our group for guessing that Desmond was that stationary bike-riding, shake-slurping dude in the Hatch.

You want to know what is the most disgusting thing in the world right now? Logging an amputation. I've logged footage of brain surgery, of third-degree burns, but this shit is NASTY. I don't know if I'll be eating lunch today. Thank god Bill told me how to turn the color down - it does help. Not so much sicking red color.

Well, I'm off now...hopefully there will be another post in the next week, or two.

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