Monday, May 22, 2006

Quick Monday thoughts...

"Love Monkey" is truly television for hipsters. They name-drop Pitchfork and The Clash and CBGB's, where most of America just stars blankly at the television, hence the cancellation from CBS and subsequent pick-up from VH-1. I love this show and I love Tom Cavanaugh! I also have another new crush - Teddy Geiger. If you've seen "Love Monkey" you have seen Teddy, and like me, you may want to eat him for breakfast. Yeah, it's mini-John Mayer, but I really like John Mayer. AND HE IS he's 17. *whistles, twiddles thumbs, and darts eyes around*

Pearl Jam tonight! Time to have another 'wish I would have done this in high school' experience. Ten years too late - what can I say? Thank God they're still making music!

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