Friday, April 23, 2004

Back to normal...if that's possible...

Definitely bummed that I missed the Muse show, but my body was really pissed off at me last night. I didn't even do anything! I was having horrible lower abdominal cramps and stabbing pains in the middle of my back. Good times. I tried to tough it out, but at the last second, I bailed. I hope Amber and Jackie had a good time. I expect full bloggage later today.

And a HUGE thank you to Robin, Ron's sister, for her massage relief technique. It worked immediately and I was back to normal in no time. Just a little pressure goes a long way.

Damien Rice on Sunday and Balderdash-mania with Mom and Pop on Saturday...and ONLY ONE WEEK UNTIL COACHELLA...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ALMOST HERE!!! I'll just be a mess next week. No focus, no drive, just visions of Thom Yorke and Robert Smith, all mopey and brooding, in my head. It'll be the best time with great friends. Life is pretty effin' sweet right now.

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