Yum...Fourth of July weekend
Strangely enough, there were no pyrotechnics, no fireworks, nothing threatening to bruise or burn me this holiday weekend. Just tons of free music! Thursday: Cake - largest crowd of the weekend by far. The new material is great, though not coming out until October. Hey guys, that's what I call promotion. Kudos. They even dipped into "Motorcade of Generosity." They assured us that 'no one would know these songs.' Ha! If only Coell had been there. I'm glad I wasn't the only one shaking my groove thing to "Stickshifts and Safety Belts." Next evening: actual tasting at Tastefest. Thai food, falafal and the BEST DESERT EVER. Small plates, baby - it don't get no righter. Later that evening: Esquire (with special appearance by Queen Bee - yowzah) and Rooney. Rooney is good time rock and roll, but I was ready to call it a night. Don't worry, they had teenage girls a'plenty to hold their attention. Saturday: FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Ron and I got some interesting titles and some new books, plus a free Jones - chocolate fudge. Mmmmmm - chocolate coma! Later that night: Jet - GREAT. Nothing like dirty guys who know how to have a good time. Fist pumping to every song. The guy behind us almost got killed by an anger mob of fans. He was standing on a chair and was clearly blocking everyone's view. They got there before he did! No blood was shed and the man did get down from his rock pedastal.
Sunday, I did the Smerigan luau all day long - so much fun! While most of Oakland county was under storm warnings all day, lovely Monroe was beautiful. We lucked out, ate lots of great food, spent time in the pool...good times.
Well, it looks like I'll be spending my birthday driving to Pennsylvania on production. It's cool, though, because the thrill of another birthday swiftly went bye-bye after 21. Ron and I are still looking to plan a Whirly Ball party for next weekend...maybe...hopefully. We'll keep ya'll posted.
Time for the "Real World" reunion special. Laters.
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