Monday, July 25, 2005

End of Days?

I was convinced this weekend to NOT put my blog to rest. I guess if people still want to read what I have to say, go for it. As of late, the last thing I want to do when I get home is get on the computer, and the business at work hasn't allowed for optimum blogging. So I'll be more dedicated. I promise. I still enjoy reading everyone's blog and commenting, so keep on writing and I'll keep on writing.

I'm eager to hear about Lollapalooza from folks who went. For those who did not enjoy disc golfing, I thought everyone did really well! The fun increases the more you play - seriously! Anyway, going over to Barthlow and Sarah on Saturday seriously gave me the property bug. I don't want an apartment anymore. I want more space. I want real furniture and a backyard and a driveway and shrubs! Can I get some shrubs in the house say ho? Ron and I will be getting off our procrastinating behinds and moving forward. We just have to do it! Do it to it!

There will be another Wednesday Fun Night this week - shall we try another game of Ultimate Frisbee?

counter easy hit