Thursday, March 04, 2004

Am I part of a scene?

Has it come to this? Am, I can't be...but I did enjoy myself and did rub up against local celebrities...oh, what the hell, I'll be a hipster, if only for the next four days!

Last night's pre-Blowout shindig made my ears very happy. Got to see what all the buzz was about and which buzz should cease and dissist right now. But never one to wallow in the negative, I cut right to the gravy. Kick-ass performances of the night were Saturday Looks Good to Me, The Avatars, Midwest Product, and Esquire. If you have never seen Esquire, then you are not a man and you need to come see what a real one looks like. He is most flamboyant man flanked by two hot go-go dancers I've ever seen. And he can rap...hell, he invented it! A bit rock, a bit hip hop ("THE PAIN!"), and bit beep-boop electronic, I came away with some new bands to add to the collection. Sweet. No doubt Motor City Rocks will have a fine review of all the shennanigins.

Tonight, taxes will be done and cash money will be reaped...hopefully. I have this strange paranoia this year that I will have to pay. We'll find out tonight, won't we?

And the dragon comes in the NNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

counter easy hit