Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Pound after pound

My family is crazy when it comes to Thanksgiving. It's about 15% meal, 5% alcohol and 80% sweets! According to my Mom, she made "over 100 cookies." Doubtful, but I'm sure she made quite a few. My grandpa made a pecan pie, a peach pie and a pumpkin pie AND pound cake. My cousin Jennifer make a desert and someone will end up bringing brownies. It's really sickening - my teeth ache just thinking about it! I'm really excited to see my cousins and play pool. No doubt we'll gather around the TV for the Seinfeld special tomorrow night. I've got more bookmarks to make and my scarf to finish. I love lots of free time! Jax is coming into town on Saturday; it'll be the only time I get to see her before Christmas. Today I did some more shopping, laundry, more crocheting...again, time off is always filled with something!

Everyone has a wonderful holiday! Eat up and remember, leftovers mean no cooking!

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