Monday, March 21, 2005

Adult free-style backstroke

Does anyone watch Adult Swim? I catch it probably once a month. I was in tears last night - of joy, that is. Robot Chicken, with the short about the tooth fairy visiting the boy with abusive parents; and the villians stuck in morning rush-hour traffic? Only those gifted with a unique blend of nuttiness and childlike-humor understand the genius of that show. I, proudly, am one of those people. Sealab 2021 was unreal - Max Storm, Extreme Trillionare!!! If I ever want someone to do something for me, I'm just going to yell 'WHIPCRACK!' It works for Max Storm. Plus, he travels around with a guy who busts out raging guitar solos and song to punctuate Max's sentences. I have to say I haven't watched enough Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Doesn't a certain McNamara have the seasons on DVD?

It was a good night last night. Oh yes, it was a good night.

counter easy hit