Thursday, August 04, 2005

Summer equals:

1. Saturday Looks Good to Me "Every Night"
2. Watching Ron hit a HOME RUN tonight - superstar!
3. Daydreaming about Cillian Murphy - yeah, Red Eye was really shitty, but he is just goddamn adorable! If his eyes were in a steel cage death match with Elijah Wood's eyes, Cillian would remain Ultimate Champion for sure. He never needs to smile - just be brooding and sullen. Do it for me, baby!
4. Um...random...does anyone else remember Heat Vision and Jack and how fucking brilliant that show was? Oh wait, It never aired. Owen Wilson as a bad ass motorbike? Jack Black as a NASA scientist with supreme powers? Ron Silver as himself? The best show that never saw the light of day.

It's 10:49 - it feels like it's one in the morning. Grumble. I've got another hour to go. I physically cannot fall asleep before midnight. Not happening. Well, sweet dreams to you, world.

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