Friday, March 03, 2006

Hamtramck Blowout - Bridge to the weekend...

Thursdays are always difficult. After thoroughly enjoying an active Wednesday night, the adrenaline kicks in and you say 'bring it on...I'm ready to rock all week long!" Well, come around 4pm on that Thursday, your body taps you on the shoulder, *clears throat* "excuse me, miss, but I believe you grossly underestimated my staying power. You're going to have to calm down." The crowds were a bit sparse last night, but I'm sure people are reserving their energy for the rest of the Official Weekend Days - Friday and Saturday.

Leaving Rouge played at the Painted Lady. Very interesting bar, a bookend to a residential street with a shady "side door" entrance with an equally shady alley way to get there. "Elsewhere" comes out this month - another recommended listening experience. Thanks to encouraging words from Big Matt and The Sutlan, we took a brisk walk to The New Dodge to see The Salt Miners. I've never admitted this, but I love bluegrass music - I mean, olde timey bluegrass music. They made we want to do-si-do and knee slap and "drink something from a mug and eat greasy food." The Salt Miners came at us with upright bass, banjos, seemingly homemade guitars and I was all a-smiles. Ron and I then met Uncle Grambo and The Senator at Paychecks for Marie and Francis. While it's always great to see Betty Marie Barnes (sporting a stylish new 'do, by the way), they were lackluster. It wasn't terrible, but it didn't get me in the mood to rawk...or dance...or sway, for that matter. So, in a way, it was a great way to level off the evening.

A simple evening, indeed, but I'm really for a full-on weekend. Pepper in some DDR and you have yourselves a par-tay. TONIGHT'S BUZZ: Great Lakes Myth Society, Athletic Mic League, The Sights (get there early for this one), Porchsleeper, Hairshirt and The Muldoons. But that's just my opinion...Emily and Jackie, we'd better see you guys out there! *wink*

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