Friday, July 30, 2004

It FINALLY feels like summer!

Hey, beautiful people! First of all, congrats to Jeff and the hottness of Studiotone for winning their Battle of the Bands round! You know we'll be there to represent in October!

We all need to go to more Tigers games! How fun! We were up in the 300 section, but were directly behind home plate - it was a great view. Rebecca and I had our mits ready to go (hey, you never know when the laws of phyics will foul a ball your way), and had fun dancing to the intro songs of each player, mullet watching, yelling insults at the opposing team, and witnessing a 3-2 victory! It was the most perfect night - 77 degrees, hazy sunshine. Good times, though no Tiger caurosel was ridden. Next time...because there will be a next time, right? If anyone wants to organize a Tigers night (perferably on Fridays, because of the post-game fireworks!), call my ass up!

This weekend will consist of humor from Carrot Top, general fun and merriment from Ron's sisters, and a much needed change from the color that Rashel will be putting in my hair - just a little somethin' somethin' to make my bangs pop.

See you cats on the flip-flop.

counter easy hit