Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow day ramblings

THANK GOD I ran around like a mad woman yesterday and finished my shopping and my errands for the weekend. Holy crazy snow! Ron and I took turns shoveling this morning. There hasn't been a storm like this in five years. This year's secret Christmas project is officially a success after a trial and error recovery. The lab has been busy all weekend. It is ready to be given! Finally...

Shoveling is tiring. I did my cross-training for the day! Here's how hot I look while shoveling. Actually, I think I scare the neighbor kids away.

Looking at my Christmas decorations while listening to Dillanger Escape Plan makes me feel weird.

New websites in the Year Zero ARG??? You decide.

Okay, back to putting the finishing touches on my Christmas gifts. It really is beautiful outside. No driving today!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Has anyone ever heard of a musician named Jandek? Apparently, this is what some music critic described his sound as:

It's like somebody making music from a description of what songs are without ever actually having heard any.

Um...okay. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? That means the music doesn't sound like music! Anyway, he's a really interesting character study. Listen for yourself here.

And check out the smartest kid ever...I don't even know where the Ivory Coast is. I feel like I wasted my elementary school education.


counter easy hit