Shushing and public service
My mind is calls, mailings and emails all morning; running after children, telling them to be quiet all afternoon. Mailing out 400 PSAs in the next week...bbbblllllluuuggghhh (the actual melting sound). Tomorrow, I get to let loose at the Garbage show with my gra Jax and my hot Smerigan. Can't. Wait. I hope "The Office" doesn't get cancelled. Steve Carrell, how do you do it? The equation is quite simple - take any uncomfortable pause and multiply it by three and you have my favorite kind of squirmy comedy. I used to work in a office, and there are so many great mundane details that this show pushes to the edge. The guy who thinks he's the assistant manager, but is really the assistant to the manager. The heavyset woman who never smiles. The person who never EVER has anything positive to say about anybody. That one cool person with whom you seek solace over a Coke in the breakroom or while stuffing application packets.
Time to check out over 165 new releases this summer - Batman Begins...with a 25 foot wingspan! Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne vs. Jack Kelly, Newsies-style. War of the hottness!
Two great songs out now: Blue Orchid-White Stripes and the new single from Foo Fighters. I need to go CD shopping immediately.